Sunday, August 29, 2010

Books I think you should read: Voices from the Plains, Gianni Celati

I had a fierce admiration for these little stories. And probably my highest recommendation these days-- they made me want to sit down and write. Good translation by Robert Lumley:

He went on writing stories at night, but after he had written about fifty he realized he didn't like them. He thought that only in the desert or close to death was it worth writing something.
from "A parable for the disenchanted"


  1. The PUBLISHERS WEEKLY review is equally enticing. Anything that would make me want to write more than I already do, and present itself as a model for ways that I might do it better is a gift. Thank you for the recommendation. I find your "nom de blog" most charming.

  2. Thanks! I've been Alice related on the Interwebs for many years. :)
